監査法人に交代制 EU検討、企業となれ合い防止 (10/16 日経16面)(1)
Consultation on audit policy - Lessons from the Crisis
The Green Paper aims to draw the lessons from the crisis with respect to the external audit of companies. In particular, the Commission is keen to discuss whether audits provide the right information to all financial actors, whether there are issues around the independence of audit firms, whether there are risks linked to a concentrated market, whether supervision at a European level might be useful and how best the specific needs of small and medium sized businesses may be met.
原文は9章と38個の質問からなっています。全部で21ページですので読むのにはそれほど時間がかからない方が多いでしょうが、私がまじめに読むと時間がかかりますので、質問文を読んでから本文を読むという必殺TOEIC Part7テクニックを駆使して読んでいくことにします。いつもどおり訳は適当にはしょっております。
1. Introduction
2. Role of the Auditor
2.1. Communication by auditors to stakeholders
(4) Do you believe that audits should provide comfort on the financial health of
companies? Are audits fit for such a purpose?
(5) To bridge the expectation gap and in order to clarify the role of audits, should the auditmethodology employed be better explained to users?
(6) Should "professional scepticism" be reinforced? How could this be achieved?
(7) Should the negative perception attached to qualifications in audit reports be
reconsidered? If so, how?
(8) What additional information should be provided to external stakeholders and how?
(9) Is there adequate and regular dialogue between the external auditors, internal auditors
and the Audit Committee? If not, how can this communication be improved?
(10) Do you think auditors should play a role in ensuring the reliability of the information
companies are reporting in the field of CSR?
(11) Should there be more regular communication by the auditor to stakeholders? Also,
should the time gap between the year end and the date of the audit opinion be reduced?
(12) What other measures could be envisaged to enhance the value of audits?
2.2. International Standards on Auditing (ISAs)
(13) What are your views on the introduction of ISAs in the EU?
(14) Should ISAs be made legally binding throughout the EU? If so, should a similar
endorsement approach be chosen to the one existing for the endorsement of
International Financial reporting Standards (IFRS)? Alternatively, and given the
current widespread use of ISAs in the EU, should the use of ISAs be further
encouraged through non-binding legal instruments (Recommendation, Code of
(15) Should ISAs be further adapted to meet the needs of SMEs and SMPs?
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